HC Deb 09 November 1959 vol 613 cc8-9
15. Mr. Wingfield Digby

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he is aware that Dorset farmers are dissatisfied with the decreased efficiency of the services resulting from the amalgamation of the Dorset and Somerset agricultural executive committees; and whether he will review this amalgamation, having regard to the relatively small amount of money saved.

Mr. Godber

The agricultural executive committees of Dorset and Somerset have not been amalgamated. My hon. Friend is no doubt referring to the concentration of most of the executive work for these counties in the divisional office in Taunton, although an office at Dorchester remains. My right hon. Friend does not accept that this reorganisation has led to a decrease in efficiency, and he is not aware of any general dissatisfaction on the part of Dorset farmers with the services they receive. My right hon. Friend is not, therefore, contemplating a review of the present arrangements which appear to be working smoothly and are making a contribution towards administrative savings in his Department.

Mr. Digby

Is my hon. Friend aware that this concentration of work and officials at Taunton is highly inconvenient to Dorset farmers, because Taunton is quite a long way away, road communications are very bad, and there are delays resulting, which are causing dissatisfaction?

Mr. Godber

If my hon. Friend will give details of any case I shall be glad to look into them, but I assure him that this was a necessary reorganisation, accepted, I think, by Parliament at the time of the Arton Wilson Report, which resulted in substantial administrative savings throughout the country. I think it should be allowed to continue unless it can be shown clearly that there is real detriment to the farmers' interests, and I have no information so far that this is the case.

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