HC Deb 13 May 1959 vol 605 cc1242-3
27. Mr. Strauss

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he will invite the Road Research Laboratory and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents to initiate research into the value of different types of road safety slogans for display on wayside posters.

Mr. Watkinson

The programme of the Road Research Laboratory is very full and research in this subject would necessarily be extensive, but the right hon. Member's suggestion will be borne in mind when additions to the programme are under consideration.

Mr. Strauss

I am glad to hear that. Would the right hon. Gentleman not agree that the present type of platitudinous slogan which says "Good driving pays" is a complete waste of effort, time and money? Would he not also agree that the selection of posters of this sort should not be left to amateurs but should be decided upon by experts on the basis of research? In view of the fact that effective posters can play quite a big part in reducing the toll of road accidents, is it not worth while initiating at an early date proper research into this problem?

Mr. Watkinson

The kind of poster used must be to some extent a matter of opinion, but I do not accept at all the right hon. Gentleman's aspersions on the present road safety programme, which, incidenally, is under the title "Be a better driver". I think that is a sensible appeal to thousands of new drivers coming on the roads. It is the view of experts, not amateurs, that if everybody became better drivers we should save many lives.

Sir G. Nicholson

Would my right hon. Friend not agree that the psychological approach to the public on any matter is most appropriately dealt with by experts in psyhcological approaches, namely, advertising and publicity firms? What can the Road Research Laboratory or anybody else be but amateurs in this respect?

Mr. Watkinson

I am willing, and the Department is willing, to accept help from anybody who can reduce some of the very tragic toll of life on the roads. The programme this year has been carefully conceived to appeal to drivers of motor vehicles, until July, when we propose to run again the theme of "Mind that child". I think that it is the right programme. Hon. Members will know that the local authorities are strongly supporting it, and perhaps I can persuade hon. Members to play their part too.