HC Deb 17 March 1959 vol 602 cc188-9
20. Mr. Russell

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works, as representing the Lord President of the Council, what research is being carried out on the reduction of noise from the exhausts of motor vehicles.

Mr. H. Nicholls

The Motor Industry Research Association, which is grant-aided by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, has carried out research on the silencing of the exhaust noise from motor vehicles and motorcycles and has developed test methods which the industry now uses. The Association is continuing to work on the general problem of noise, especially from the point of view of the pedestrian and the passenger. The British Internal Combustion Engine Research Association, also grant-aided by the Department, has investigated exhaust noises of diesel engines.

Mr. Russell

While thanking my hon. Friend for that Answer, may I ask whether he agrees that there is still an enormous amount of noise from motorcycles and certain types of sports cars and lorries which could well be done away with? Will he give every possible encouragement to all kinds of research?

Mr. Nicholls

We have not reached perfection in this matter, but research is still going on. It is the responsibility of the police authorities to control excessive noise.

Mr. M. Stewart

In the light of all these Questions and Answers, is not it amazing that private industry should reap general benefits from public funds and public research?

Mr. Nicholls

We think it is a good thing that public funds and public research should work in partnership with private industry.