HC Deb 16 March 1959 vol 602 cc15-7
23. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Health how many psychiatric social workers are employed by the regional hospitals board and the local health authority, respectively, in Staffordshire; and how these figures compare, in ratio to population, with the numbers employed in Lancashire, Nottinghamshire, and Oxfordshire, respectively.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health (Mr. Richard Thompson)

As the Answer involves a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate the available information in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Swingler

While thanking the Parliamentary Secretary in anticipation of the figures, which I shall examine carefully, may I ask whether he would not agree that they show the terrible inadequacy of this service at the moment, especially in the highly industrialised area? Is he aware that many of those working in social psychiatry feel that there is complete lack of co-ordination between those employed by the hospitals and those employed by the local authorities and the Ministry; and that the Ministry should take some action to see that more of these people are employed in this work and that their efforts are better concerted?

Mr. Thompson

There is, indeed, a great need for more psychiatric social workers, but I must point out that much mental welfare work can be done by less highly qualified people. I have no doubt that the Report of the Younghusband Working Party, which my right hon. and learned Friend expects to receive at any time now, will throw some light on this aspect of the Service.

Dr. Summerskill

As the psychiatric social worker is a key worker in a mental health service, can the hon. Gentleman tell the House what success he has so far had in the recruiting campaign, the beginning of which I heard on the radio recently?

Mr. Thompson

Not without notice.

Mr. K. Robinson

Does not the Minister agree that it will be quite impossible to develop proper community mental health services unless many more psychiatric social workers are recruited and trained? Will he say what steps his Department is taking to look after that?

Mr. Thompson

I ought to tell the hon. Member that there is a special scheme of training allowances for students to assist recruitment, and I expect it to have beneficial results.

Information is as follows:

Numbers employed by:
(a) Hospital authorities
(1) (2) (3)
Number employed
Area Whole-time Part-time Population of Area (Mid 1958)
Staffordshire 5 2 1,682,000
Lancashire 19 5 5,101,000
Nottinghamshire 7 882,800
Oxfordshire 10 3 298,100


1. The population figures relate to geographical counties.

2. In column (2), there have been included only the numbers employed by hospital authorities serving areas wholly or mainly within the administrative county.

(b) County Councils
Area Number employed Population of Area (Mid 1958)
Staffordshire 2 932,800
(including 1 part-time)
Lancashire 3 2,129,000
Nottinghamshire 2 569,800
Oxfordshire 194,000


1. The population figures relate to administrative counties.

2. The numbers employed are whole-time except where stated.