HC Deb 12 March 1959 vol 601 c1429
4. Mr. Warbey

asked the Minister of Education to what extent, in his discussions with local education authorities concerning their school building programmes for the year 1960–61, he will have regard to Treasury limitations on the volume of public capital investment.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

As announced in the White Paper, the programme will amount to £55 million.

Mr. Warbey

As many local authorities had to postpone essential school building last year, because of cuts in public investment imposed by the Government, and as the same thing is happening this year as well, what assurance can the Minister give that the not very adequate programme for 1960–61 will not again he axed by the Treasury?

Mr. Lloyd

We are in process of fixing the first two years of this five-year period. I have received the proposals and in due course I will announce definite decisions.