HC Deb 11 March 1959 vol 601 c1252
49. Mr. Hunter

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation in view of the increase in road accidents in 1958, if he will give details of road safety campaigns arranged for 1959 to promote safety on the roads.

Mr. Nugent

Yes, Sir. Our Ministry and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, in collaboration, are making arrangements for a major road safety campaign on the theme "Be a Better Driver". The campaign will be launched by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London, for whose valuable help we are most grateful, at a meeting in the Guildhall on 20th April, and it will be directed initially to the development and encouragement of the techniques of safer driving. During the summer months special emphasis will be given to the safety of children on the roads. I am glad to say that we are receiving substantial help and co-operation from a number of national organisations in this campaign, and we will welcome and make use of any offers of help which come to us from whatever quarter.

Mr. Hunter

While thanking the Minister for that reply, may I ask whether local authorities will be invited to take part in this campaign?

Mr. Nugent

Very much so. The Lord Mayor's meeting is primarily to invite the lord mayors and mayors of boroughs throughout the country, and the chairmen of county councils as well. My right hon. Friend will be writing to the chairmen of other local authorities. We certainly shall count upon the thousands of road safety committees in the country to take a very active part in this campaign.

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