HC Deb 09 March 1959 vol 601 c872
31. Mr. F. M. Bennett

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what steps he takes to ensure that a fair and balanced picture of the composition and activities of this House is disseminated abroad.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Dr. Charles Hill)

The reporting overseas of the activities of this House is a matter for the Press Gallery, news agencies, newspapers and broadcasting authorities. The British Information Services from time to time issue publications, films and other material about the nature and working of Parliament, as of other British institutions.

Mr. Bennett

Has the Chancellor's attention been drawn to a recent much publicised statement in the United States of America by a prominent Labour Member to the effect that there are no less than 75 near-Communists, para-Communists and under-cover Communists in the Parliamentary Labour Party, and if and when the Opposition remedy this shocking state of affairs, will my right hon. Friend help them to publicise their reformation?

Dr. Hill

I suspect that my hon. Friend's question is in reality intended for someone else.