HC Deb 02 March 1959 vol 601 cc14-5
11. Mr. M. Stewart

asked the Minister of Health what decision he has reached on the proposals made to him by the governors of Charing Cross Hospital concerning the future size of the hospital.

Mr. Walker-Smith

No decision has yet been reached; consultations with the responsible hospital boards are still proceeding.

Mr. Stewart

Am I right in supposing that, as at present planned, the control of the building at Fulham will pass to the governors of the Charing Cross Hospital on 1st April? Is the Minister aware that the governors of Charing Cross have stated that they are not anxious to proceed with the projected building unless the hospital can be what they consider an adequate size? In view of this, ought we not to have a decision?

Mr. Walker-Smith

No, Sir, because constructive discussions are taking place between the boards, with the assistance of my officers, regarding the appropriate size of the hospital. Since they met my officers, the boards have been in consultation with a view to submitting revised proposals, and a further meeting with my officers will take place shortly.

Mr. Stewart

Can the Minister say when a decision is likely to be reached?

Mr. Walker-Smith

Clearly, it will not be reached before the meeting with my officers after the submission of the revised proposals from the two boards.

12. Mr. M. Stewart

asked the Minister of Health what arrangements will be made, when Charing Cross Hospital is moved to Fulham, for admission of patients under the emergency bed service.

Mr. Walker-Smith

It would be premature at this stage to determine what arrangements should be made, since it will be several years before the move takes place.

Mr. Stewart

Does the Minister realise that in Fulham we keep hearing various more or less authentic reports of decisions which have been reached on this and other matters? Would it not be helpful to know exactly what is to happen?

Mr. Walker-Smith

I am sure that I shall have the assistance of the hon. Gentleman in indicating that some of these reports must be less rather than more authentic. I have given him the position in answer to his last Question, and I do not foresee any difficulty regarding the point which he has under inquiry in this Question.

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