HC Deb 18 June 1959 vol 607 cc620-1
5. Mr. Short

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has now completed his investigations into the use of Official Paid cards by the Newcastle Central Conservative Association; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. R. A. Butler

Yes, Sir, I find that, on discovering that some cards had been re-addressed, the electoral registration officer drew the agent's attention to the irregularity of the practice, and it was at once stopped.

Mr. Short

Does the Home Secretary recollect that when I first brought this matter to his notice he promised to investigate it and to give me a full report? All that his Answer has done, and all that his letter to me did, has been to recite facts which are already known. Why is the right hon. Gentleman not a little more forthcoming? Why does he not condemn a little more forth-rightly a thoroughly reprehensible and illegal practice on the part of a Conservative Association in using Post Office facilities free of charge for its own purpose? What steps will the right lion. Gentleman take to recover the very large sum of money in postage not paid by this Association for these cards?

Mr. Butler

The hon. Member may say what he likes, but I have given him all the facts in my possession. I think that this is a wrong practice, and directly it was drawn to the agent's attention it was immediately stopped. I hope the fact that I have made these observations in public will prevent this practice happening again. As to the amount of money wasted, I understand that that was not very great, and I am glad to say that the fact that this was stopped so very soon was partly due to the assiduity of hon. Members.

Mr. Gordon Walker

By "wrong", does the right hon. Gentleman mean that this was an illegal action? If so, why were no proceedings taken?

Mr. Butler

I have investigated that and, as far as I have been informed, no question arises of any criminal offence having been committed.