HC Deb 17 June 1959 vol 607 c419
13. Mr. Mellish

asked the Minister of Defence to what extent it is Her Majesty's Government's policy to obtain from the United States of America air-to-air defensive missiles equipped with nuclear warheads.

Mr. Sandys

Our present plans provide for the equipment of British fighter squadrons with British air-to-air guided missiles. That does not, however, exclude the possibility of providing them with suitable weapons of foreign manufacture which may become available.

Mr. Mellish

As one of those who can obtain information only by reading newspapers, will the Minister confirm or deny the report in a technical newspaper that we are at the moment contemplating purchasing a missile called GENIE from America? Is this true or not? Is it not about time that the right hon. Gentleman decided to take the House and the country into his confidence and to tell us a bit more about these matters?

Mr. Sandys

I will gladly tell the hon. Gentleman. We are considering this proposition, but no decision has yet been reached.