HC Deb 11 June 1959 vol 606 cc1169-70
44. Sir F. Medlicott

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many prosecutions have been instituted during each of the past five years under Sections 136 and 137 of the Licensing Act, 1953, for selling or providing drink to a drunken person on licensed premises; and in how many of such cases convictions took place.

Mr. Renton

As the Answer contains a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Sir F. Medlicott

Is my hon. and learned Friend aware that at the trial of Ronald Marwood it was stated that on the evening of the murder of Police Constable Summers, Marwood had had twenty drinks served to him, ten in a public house and nine or ten in a registered club? Could we have some assurance that incidents of this kind shall be followed up and the powers available to the authorities under these Sections really exercised so as to prevent tragic events of this kind being caused by men who to some extent must be under the influence of intoxicating drink?

Mr. Renton

It is rather difficult to reply to that fully in answer to the Question on the Order Paper, but my hon. Friend will recollect that there was no evidence at the trial that Marwood was drunk when he left the public house. It is not an offence to serve drinks even to a drunken person inside a club, where he then went. Indeed, Marwood himself at the trial denied that he was drunk, and the evidence of the police was that twenty minutes after the murder he did not appear to be other than sober.

Mr. Greenwood

When did the right hon. Gentleman's Department last draw the attention of the police forces to their powers under these Sections?

Mr. Renton

I should need notice of that Question.

Following is the information:
