HC Deb 09 June 1959 vol 606 cc799-800
27 and 28. Miss Herbison

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what action he is taking to ensure in the Gartcosh-Chryston area, that there will be factories there to induce industrialists to set up business when the steel strip mill at Gartcosh begins production;

(2) what action he is taking to bring new industry to the area covered by the Shotts Employment Exchange in view of the almost total collapse of the mining industry in that district.

Mr. J. Rodgers

I have made it known as widely as possible that in all suitable cases factories will be provided and applications for grants or loans considered for firms who will set up or expand in North Lanarkshire. The Department will continue by all possible means to seek out and encourage firms to go to this area.

Miss Herbison

Since these are two completely separate areas, I should like to ask two supplementary questions.

First, with regard to the Gartcosh-Chryston area, surely the Minister must accept greater responsibility than he has indicated so that when we have strip coming from the mill there will be in the area industries which will be able to use it?

With regard to the second area, is the Minister aware that in an Answer by the Minister of Labour yesterday I was given figures which show that there was a 37 per cent. increase in the unemployed in the area covered by the Shotts Employment Exchange and that, worse still, 73 per cent. of those unemployed—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech."] The two Questions were taken together, and this is a very serious matter. Seventy-three per cent. of those unemployed have been unemployed for more than eight weeks and 32 per cent. have been unemployed for more than six months. Surely it is of the greatest importance that the Government should be doing more?

Mr. Rodgers

I am aware of the gravity of the situation and we are doing our best to encourage firms to go to both areas. With regard to the Gartcosh area, it will be some time before the strip mill will be started, and we have two or three years in which to attract subsidiary industries to the area.

Mr. T. Fraser

Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that the unemployed will be unemployed for two or three years before action is taken? That is the purport of what he said.

Mr. Rodgers

On the contrary, we are taking action all the time in our efforts to encourage firms to go to the area.

31. Miss Herbison

asked the President of the Board of Trade when the proposed extension of Cummins Diesel Engine Factory will commence.

Mr. J. Rodgers

The company is revising its plans for the layout of this extension. Until we have these, the starting date for building cannot be estimated.

Miss Herbison

Can the Minister tell me whether delay is being caused by the district valuer over the purchase of the land which is required for the extension? Does the hon. Gentleman realise that here is an opportunity to provide work very quickly for the men for whom the National Coal Board in its latest closure can find no work at all? Is he aware that this is a most distressed area at the present moment, and that it is feeling completely without hope?

Mr. Rodgers

Negotiations by the district valuer for land purchase are proceeding at this moment, and as far as I know there is no hold-up because of that. I understand that three weeks ago the firm changed its mind about the plant layout and the location of the extension in relation to the existing factory. In consequence, much of the preliminary work done is now abortive. I understand that a representative of the firm is in America at the moment with the revised plans to discuss them with the parent company.