HC Deb 22 July 1959 vol 609 c1264
40. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, in view of his decision that volume of traffic and its concentration are more significant in connection with the future planning of roads than the total number of vehicles registered, what estimate has been made by his Department as to how the volume and density of traffic in 1969 will compare with that today, in the light of the estimate that 12,500,000 road vehicles will be registered in this country by 1969.

Mr. Watkinson

The basis for estimating future traffic volumes is under review. If present trends continue, it is possible that by 1969 volumes would, in general, increase by about 60 per cent. over present volumes.

Mr. Davies

In view of that contemplated increase of 60 per cent., is the Minister still satisfied that the present programme, which is based on an increase of far less, is satisfactory? Why is he so cagey about giving information to the House concerning his road programme when he is so outspoken outside the House?

Mr. Watkinson

As the hon. Gentleman knows, full information on the road programme has been given to the House whenever it has been asked for. I should have thought that the Answer I have given showed above all the necessity to press on with the programme as hard as ever we can for the sake of the motorist.