HC Deb 22 July 1959 vol 609 cc1252-3
11. Mr. Moss

asked the Secretary of State for Air the seating capacity in the recruits' mess at the Royal Air Force, Cardington; and the weekly intake of recruits.

Mr. Ward

The seating capacity is 360 at any one time, which should be sufficient for an intake of 600. The average weekly intake during June was 550.

Mr. Moss

Is the Minister aware that in the same week that these Questions were put down the seating capacity was increased by about sixty, six officers were sent into the mess to organise seating and eating arrangements and a bigger supply of better quality food was supplied? I can tell the right hon. Gentleman exactly what the foods were.

Mr. Speaker

Order. The hon. Member should ask a question.

Mr. Moss

Will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to ensure that the best possible facilities are supplied to National Service men and others who may be stationed at Cardington? Will he also say whether there are canteens at Cardington which are not used?

Mr. Ward

The recruits do not all arrive at the dining hall together. They enter at intervals. There is ample capacity already provided for the peak number which we are ever likely to get during the week. There are always officers and senior N.C.O.s in the dining hall to help the recruits to find places at the tables. There is nothing new about that. The food is always of good quality.

12. Mr. Moss

asked the Secretary of State for Air what facilities exist at the Royal Air Force, Cardington, for drying and ironing airmen's personal clothing.

Mr. Ward

There are eight drying rooms. Electric irons are available in the barrack blocks housing permanent staff. They would not normally be needed by recruits, whose stay at the reception unit is very short.

Mr. Moss

Are not there some recruits at Cardington who stay there for four or five weeks, who may have had previous training and who find that instructions received in their previous training, especially training on a cadet's course, cannot be carried out at Cardington through lack of these facilities?

Mr. Ward

It is very unusal for recruits to stay at Cardington for more than a few days.

Mr. Moss

My information is five weeks.

Mr. Ward

That must be an exception. I should like to look at it. It is very unusual. The average time is inside a week. We used to provide electric irons in the recruits' barrack block, but these were very seldom used, and when they were used the appearance of the uniforms was not always improved.