HC Deb 21 July 1959 vol 609 c1043
8. Mr. M. Clark Hutchison

asked the Minister of Works what is to be the duration of the Big Ben centenary exhibition.

Mr. H. Nicholls

My right hon. Friend's present intention is that the exhibition should remain open until the end of September.

Mr. M. Clark Hutchison

It is a good exhibition. Has my hon. Friend considered sending it on tour, starting with Edinburgh? Thereafter, would he offer it to any Commonwealth country which would like to see it? When that has been done, will he see that it is not dispersed but finally housed in some suitable place?

Mr. Nicholls

I am glad my hon. Friend thinks it is a good exhibition. I hope that hon. Members will encourage their constituents and friends to take a look at it, for I think it is well worth looking at. The suggestion made by my hon. Friend will be borne in mind. At the minute we are considering the possibility of making it a permanent feature of the Clock Tower itself, when the present exhibition or any tour ends.