HC Deb 20 July 1959 vol 609 cc857-8
11. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Health whether the sketch plans of the proposed new area hospital for Cornwall have yet been finally approved.

Mr. R. Thompson

The sketch plans submitted by the South Western Regional Hospital Board for the first stage of the new hospital have now been approved subject to further consideration of the plans for housing resident staff.

Mr. Hayman

While thanking the Minister for that Answer, for which we have been waiting many years, may I ask how long he thinks it will be before the working plans and bills of quantity are finalised? Will he take into account the statement reported this morning to have been made at the B.M.A. Conference at Edinburgh which states: We are falling behind rapidly in the standards of hospital provision now available in Western Europe"? Will the hon. Gentleman do what he can to enable us to have a good hospital in Cornwall soon?

Mr. Thompson

I cannot tell the hon. Gentleman precisely when building work will start, but I am sure that the preparation of working drawings and bills of quantity, which shows a considerable advance on previous progress, will be welcome to him. A considerable task is entailed and there are details of engineering services to be settled, but we are a stage further on and we shall continue to press forward.