HC Deb 14 July 1959 vol 609 c208
45. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Prime Minister if he will consider making representations to President de Gaulle against atom tests over Africa, in view of dangers to the well-being of the people of Africa for whom Her Majesty's Government are responsible.

The Prime Minister (Mr. Harold Macmillan)

I would refer the hon. Member to what I said on this subject on 9th July.

Mr. Hughes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he said nothing in that Answer to reassure the Africans? Is he aware that there is a considerable volume of African opinion which regards the people responsible for atomic warfare as super-savages? Is he aware that Africans converted by the Church of Scotland are thinking of sending a deputation to 10, Downing Street to convert the tenant to Christianity?

The Prime Minister

I would remind the hon. Gentleman of the reply given yesterday by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs: The French Government have stated that their test—which will be of an atomic, not a hydrogen, bomb—will be held in such a way as to cause no damage to health in neighbouring territories ".—[OFFICIAL REPORT, Monday, 13th July, 1959; Vol. 609, c. 2.]