HC Deb 13 July 1959 vol 609 cc17-8
18. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Health if his attention has been drawn to the policy being followed by Salford City Council, in collaboration with various Government Departments and voluntary bodies, in caring for the elderly; and if he will consult the Salford City Council with a view to encouraging a similar policy throughout the country.

Mr. R. Thompson

I am aware of the enterprise and imagination shown by the Salford City Council in the action it has taken to co-ordinate statutory and voluntary activities for the care of the elderly in the city. It is my right hon. and learned Friend's policy to encourage such collaboration and I am grateful to the hon. Member for drawing public attention in the recent debate to these examples of what can be done in this way.

Mr. Allaun

While noting the Parliamentary Secretary's very sympathetic reply, may I ask whether he will consider sponsoring a documentary film of these pioneering activities for showing elsewhere, and also the holding of a national conference of local authority representatives on the whole subject?

Mr. Thompson

I will consider that, but I think that this excellent initiative has received very wide publicity. For our part, we have reminded local authorities again to take steps to encourage voluntary efforts and of the circular which we issued in 1957 following the Department's survey of services available to the chronic sick and the infirm.