HC Deb 09 July 1959 vol 608 cc1718-9

Lords Amendment: In page 29, line 23, after "Act" insert: by an authority to whom this Part of this Act applies".

Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

Mr. Mitchison

We now come to Part II of the Bill, which is, in general, considerably less controversial, if controversial at all. It relates to the relaxation of Ministerial control. Without in any way wishing to suggest that we should omit any proper or necessary discussion, as far as I can see there is no controversial matter in this Part of the Bill. I am sure that we can rely upon the Minister and his hon. Friend to indicate shortly to us if any material point is involved.

The following Part of the Bill is Part III, relating to the recommendations of the Franks Committee, to which much the same observations apply. After that, we come to some more controversial matter, partly, but not entirely, in connection with what was Part IV and is proposed to be Part IV and Part V.

Mr. Bevins

I am grateful for what the hon. and learned Member for Kettering (Mr. Mitchison) has said. It is true that we now come to two groups of Amendments to Part II of the Bill, the first relating to purchases by agreement and the removal of many Ministerial controls in those cases and the second having the effect of tidying up certain provisions on the relaxation of controls over the disposal of land. As far as I know, there are certainly no large bones of contention in these Amendments and I should not have thought it necessary for the House to take up time on them.

Mr. MacColl

I should like to ask whether what has been said covers new Clause "C" and whether it ought to be called. I am not clear what these exchanges involve.

Mr. Mitchison

I would have liked to say something about new Clause "C" when we come to it.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker (Sir Gordon Touche)

I suggest that the Amendments be put en bloc until we reach new Clause "C", which can be put separately.

Mr. Brooke

I shall be very pleased indeed to give a short explanation of the new Clause "C" when we reach it, and I will willingly give an explanation of any Lords Amendment between this and that new Clause should I be asked for it.

Mr. Mitchison

By leave of the House to speak again on this, I would say that I think that we must rely on the right hon. Gentleman to indicate to us shortly where there is any point of substance or even a small bone of contention as distinct from a big bone of contention.

Question put and agreed to.

Subsequent Lords Amendments agreed to.