HC Deb 07 July 1959 vol 608 c1110
44. Mr. Keswick

asked the Minister of Works if he is aware of the concern of some local authorities that a shortage of bricks in West Middlesex may hold up their housebuilding programme; and what further steps he proposes to take to ensure that house building is not held up on this account.

Mr. Molson

I am aware of this concern and brickmakers are trying to ensure deliveries to sites where work is in progress or ready to start. At the same time builders have been asked to refrain from excessive ordering and stocking and to make use of local resources. I hope that these measures will minimise building delays.

Mr. Beswick

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the slightly improved quota which his colleague the Minister of Housing and Local Government has allowed local authorities for this year will be frustrated unless local authorities can get the bricks to build the houses? Is there not a feeling in the south of England that there is now virtually a monopoly in the making of bricks and that the monopoly concerned finds it more profitable to deliver to the North? Is there anything in that feeling?

Mr. Molson

No. I am entirely satisfied that the manufacturers of fletton bricks are trying to distribute them where the need is greatest. I think that they are doing everything possible to ensure that work is not delayed.