HC Deb 26 February 1959 vol 600 cc1283-4
31. Mr. Johnson

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations to what extent it is his intention to change the system of examinations for university matriculation in Basutoland, so that students can become qualified for entrance to the University of London.

Mr. Alport

The Basutoland Government are at present considering the question of making a change in the existing system of university matriculation.

Mr. Johnson

While thanking the Minister for that answer, may I ask him to bear in mind constantly that the Basuto people are vehemently opposed to any form of Bantu education under the auspices of the Afrikaaner Government of South Africa?

Mr. Alport

We are pretty well aware of the background of this problem, and we hope that in the near future university experts will be visiting Roma to investigate the situation.

Mr. Johnson

Does the hon. Gentleman mean that the Basuto secondary school system, with its textbooks and school syllabus, will be turned over to the English system and not linked, as now, to the South African?

Mr. Alport

That is a different question, but if the hon. Gentleman likes to put it down I will do my best to answer it.