HC Deb 16 December 1959 vol 615 c1432
8. Mr. D. Smith

asked the Postmaster-General what steps are being taken to rectify the inaudibility of the new Isleworth telephone exchange; and if he will treat the matter as one of urgency, in view of the large number of industrial establishments affected in the Brentford area.

Mr. Bevins

I am sorry about this trouble. It does not arise in the new Isleworth exchange but is due to the fact that the network of cables in the area had to be extensively re-arranged when the Isleworth exchange was opened and that it has not yet been possible to bring the transmission over the cables up to normal standards. The cables are being reconditioned, but a great deal of highly technical work is involved. Although the matter is being treated as one of urgency, it may be some time before it can be completed.

Mr. Smith

Will my right hon. Friend give an assurance that everything possible will be done in this matter as soon as possible after Christmas, in view of the extreme difficulties under which many business organisations in the district are suffering?

Mr. Bevins

Yes. As a short-term measure we hope to give the complaining firms the new type of telephone instrument as soon as possible. We are also reconditioning one of the main cables between Isleworth and Brentford.