HC Deb 15 December 1959 vol 615 cc1243-4
43. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he proposes to take to arrest the industrial decline in Ayrshire.

Mr. N. Macpherson

In general, the Local Employment Bill is designed to strengthen the Government's powers to deal with areas of high and persistent unemployment in Scotland and elsewhere. My right hon. Friend is considering in consultation with his colleagues the particular points raised by the deputation from Ayrshire which was accompanied by the hon. Member and which my right hon. Friend received along with my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Power on 28th November.

Mr. Ross

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the deputation that saw his right hon. Friend and another Minister was frankly disappointed with the interview? Is he further aware that the position in the area is bad and that it is getting worse? We are waiting for some indication that the Government are even aware of the gravity of the position.

Mr. Macpherson

The Government are well aware that there are pockets of unemployment, and that is the reason for the Local Employment Bill. The hon. Gentleman is taking altogether too gloomy a view when one takes into account what is happening at Irvine at present.

Mr. Ross

Is the Joint Under-Secretary aware that it is a very large pocket which holds 7,000 unemployed? The position has been getting worse from month to month, and there is no evidence of the Government overtaking the position.

Mr. Macpherson

That is precisely why we are proceeding with the Local Employment Bill as fast as possible.