HC Deb 08 December 1959 vol 615 cc216-7
29. Mr. Hannan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what plans he has for overcoming the shortage of maternity beds in Glasgow.

Mr. Maclay

Under present plans, 90 additional beds should come into use within 16 to 18 months, 20 of them in about six months' time. It is hoped to bring the new 110 bed unit at York-hill into use in 1964. It is too early to give dates for the two further projects which are now being prepared.

Mr. Hannan

Does the right hon. Gentleman think that what he has now announced is sufficient to meet the urgent needs of Glasgow? Earlier, he intimated that 12 women had been discharged from hospital on one day. Will he confirm or deny that these women had had to wait in passages for three hours for ambulances to take them home? What is the advice which his Department will give in circumstances of that character, in which on the day they had given birth to children women were discharged from hospital? Is it not a disgrace to Scotland?

Mr. Maclay

I am sure that everybody concerned is extremely perturbed that this took place. I am advised that there is some doubt as to what actually happened about patients waiting in the passages, and I have asked for further information. On the general question, we are doing our best to catch up with the known needs for maternity beds in this area.

Mr. Hannan

I must press the Secretary of State on this point. May I ask him what emergency steps or plans the Government have made for dealing now with this state of affairs? Is it not most undignified for a woman who is performing one of the noblest human functions to have to suffer in this way? Cannot he do something urgently to deal with the situation?

Mr. Maclay

There are talks going on now to see whether anything can be done to improve the co-ordination of entry into hospitals, because that is a possible development. I can assure the hon. Member that discussions are going on between my Department and the regional hospital board on this matter.

Mr. Hannan

May I give notice that, owing to the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I shall raise this matter on the Motion for the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity?