HC Deb 07 December 1959 vol 615 cc10-1
14. Mr. Hunter

asked the Minister of Aviation on what date he now proposes to introduce legislation to improve the arrangements for licensing air services and airline operators, and to ensure the maintenance of high standards of safety.

15. Mr. Skeffington

asked the Minister of Aviation on what date he proposes to introduce legislation to improve the arrangements for licensing air services and airline operators and to ensure the maintenance of high standards of safety.

Mr. Sandys

A Bill to deal with these matters will be introduced shortly.

Mr. Hunter

In view of the great importance of strengthening the air safety regulations following upon the Southall disaster, will the Minister issue a White Paper with the Bill explaining his proposals?

Mr. Sandys

I do not really think that that will be necessary.

Mr. Skeffington

Is the Minister aware that his predecessor said, at the time of the Southall disaster last June, that this matter would be very urgently considered, yet we still do not know the date on which legislation is to be introduced? Could the Government not get a better move on in this matter?

Mr. Sandys

No time is being wasted.