HC Deb 02 December 1959 vol 614 cc1155-6
6. Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty why the percentage of commissioned officers now serving in the Royal Navy who have won promotion from the lower deck is appreciably lower than the percentage of serving officers who have won promotion from the ranks in the other two Services.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

As my right hon. Friend the Minister of Defence indicated in his reply to the hon. Member on 25th November, the percentages he gave included officers who had been sent to officer cadet schools very soon after joining; the Royal Navy figure included virtually no one in that category. My right hon. Friend undertook to look further into the figures, and this is being done.

So far as the Navy is concerned I can give an assurance that no rating who appears to have the qualities needed for commissioned rank will fail to be most carefully considered for such promotion.

Mr. Mallalieu

Is not the Minister aware that, however one looks at the figures, the percentage of promotions from the lower deck in the Royal Navy is very much lower than in the other Services, and that it is discouraging for people who join the Navy and find that their opportunities of getting to the head of their profession are so limited?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

When like is compared with like, I think that the figures will not show as much difference as they appeared to show from my right hon. Friend's Answer last week. I would also mention that one-third is not a bad percentage for officers coming from the lower deck. We are very proud that the situation should continue in that way, and we will certainly consider any good man who comes forward.

Dr. King

Is the Civil Lord aware that recent Answers to Parliamentary Questions have shown that a similar disparity between the Services exists in regard to the selection of cadets as from public schools and State schools? Will he consult his other Service colleagues about all that this seems to involve?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

I will certainly consult my right hon. Friends in the other Services. I can only say that I wish more and better chaps were coming forward for the Navy from all types of schools. We could then select all the ones we wanted.