HC Deb 22 April 1959 vol 604 c390
49. Mr. de Freitas

asked the Secretary of State for Air what further tests and modifications are required before the United States Thor missiles in this country will be regarded as operational.

Mr. Neave

The development programme, including tests, is a continuous process and the extent of the modifications which may be required cannot be decided in advance.

Mr. de Freitas

In view of the widespread doubts expressed on technical grounds, not only in the United States but on the Continent and in this country, about the value of these particular missiles, is it not time that the Air Ministry cut the losses imposed on it by the Ministry of Defence and scrapped these missiles?

Mr. Neave

I do not agree with the hon. Gentleman at all. We have repeatedly stressed that missiles in this country will not become operational until proving tests have been satisfactorily completed. Last week's firing was part of the training programme, and I think that we should await the results of the tests

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