HC Deb 22 April 1959 vol 604 c377
27. Sir J. Duncan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in view of the large contracts between the Admiralty and the Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, amounting to more than £1 million, he will make it a condition of contracts that a substantial part of the work shall be carried out in their factories in Brechin and Arbroath, where there is a much higher rate of unemployment than in the Coventry area.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

No, Sir. In placing contracts with a firm the Admiralty cannot interfere with the firm's internal organisation by dictating at which of its factories the work should be done. I understand, however, that it is the firm's intention gradually to transfer the work on Admiralty contracts at Coventry to their factory at Brechin.

Sir J. Duncan

While appreciating that it would not be right for the Government to direct this firm, will my hon. Friend nevertheless ask them to do so, because it would be in line with Government policy that the work should be done in areas of heavy unemployment rather than areas like Coventry where unemployment is very low?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

It would be completely in line with Government policy, but no intervention from me is necessary because this is being done by the firm.