HC Deb 16 April 1959 vol 603 cc1133-4
36. Mr. J. Hynd

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations whether he will convene a Commonwealth Conference at an early date to examine ways and means by which Great Britain and the other Commonwealth countries may be brought into association with the European Common Market.

Mr. Alport

Developments in connection with the European Common Market are kept continuously under review by all Commonwealth Governments, through the normal machinery of Commonwealth economic consultation.

Mr. Hynd

Is the Under-Secretary of State aware that I put down this Question to the Prime Minister because it deals with wider matters than Commonwealth relations? Is the Under-Secretary of State aware that a new start is required on this question of the Common Market and British relationships? Since our main excuse for not joining the Common Market has been our Commonwealth commitments, does he not consider that a gesture of this kind, which would show to the world that the British Commonwealth is concerned about it, would be worth while?

Mr. Alport

The Paymaster-General pointed out to the House on 12th February the very real difficulties there would be in bringing the members of the Commonwealth into association with the Common Market. If the hon. Member wishes to pursue this point, it would be right that he should pursue it with my right hon. Friend the Paymaster-General.