HC Deb 14 April 1959 vol 603 cc789-90
14. Mr. Swingler

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that, despite the termination of the registered restrictive trading agreement relating to cast iron pipes, 31st December, 1958, the Staffordshire Potteries Water Board continues to receive identical tenders for the supply of such pipes; and if he will therefore reconsider his previous decision and instruct the Registrar of Restrictive Trading Agreements to give this matter priority before the Restrictive Practices Court.

Sir D. Eccles

If it is believed that the agreement is still effective evidence should be sent to the Registrar, since it is his responsibility, and not that of the Board of Trade to deal with allegations that the agreement is in fact continuing or has been renewed.

Mr Swingler

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Staffordshire Potteries Water Board followed his advice and, after the so-called termination of the agreement, asked for new tenders and once again received identical tenders from four firms? Does not this show that the termination of the agreement is merely a " phoney " one; and will he, therefore, give the instructions asked for in the Question that urgent priority should be given in order to stop this keeping up of prices against local authorities?

Sir D. Eccles

The Board has informed me of these identical tenders. I cannot say whether that price agreement is still in existence or not, but I have passed the information to the Registrar, who presumably will now deal with it.

Mrs. Slater

Does not the right hon. Gentleman remember that when a similar Question was asked before he gave us information and advice along the lines which my hon. Friend has mentioned. Surely he does not believe that it is a mere coincidence that, on the second occasion, identical tenders are received; and, in the interests of a board like this, is it not wise that he should at least give some direction to the Registrar?

Sir D. Eccles

I am sorry, but the Act says that it is the Registrar's duty to pursue allegations that an agreement is still in force. We have drawn his attention to that, and no doubt this Question will do that, too.

Mr. Jay

Cannot the right hon. Gentleman at least say how the Registrar will be able to pursue it?

Sir D. Eccles

If he thinks that in fact there is evidence, he can apply to the High Court to have the persons brought before it.