§ Select Committee appointed to consider the procedure in the Public Business of the House; and to report what alterations, if any, are desirable for the more efficient despatch of such Business:
Committee to consist of sixteen members:
Mr. Ronald Bell, Mr. Wedgwood Benn, Mr. Blackburn, Sir Herbert Butcher, Viscountess Davidson, Mr. Clement Davies, Mr. Denzil Freeth, Mr. Green, Mr. Leslie Hale, Mr. Mitchison, Mr. Oram, Mr. Charles Pannell, Mr. Ramsden, Mr. James Stuart, Mr. John Tilney, and Mr. Vosper:
578 Minutes of the Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Procedure in the last Session of Parliament referred to the Committee:
Power to send for persons, papers and records:
Five to be the Quorum.—[Mr. Chichester-Clark.]