HC Deb 30 October 1958 vol 594 c463

Select Committee appointed to examine the Reports and Accounts of the Nationalised Industries established by Statute whose controlling Boards are appointed by Ministers of the Crown and whose annual receipts are not wholly or mainly derived from moneys provided by Parliament or advanced from the Exchequer:

Mr. Albu, Sir John Barlow, Mr. Mark Bonham Carter, Mr. Blyton, Mr. Ernest Davies, Mr. Fort, Mr. David Jones, Sir Keith Joseph, Colonel Lancaster, Sir Toby Low, Mr. Palmer, Sir Alexander Spearman, and Dame Irene Ward:

Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries (Reports and Accounts) in the last Session of Parliament referred to the Committee:

Power to send for persons, papers and records:

Power to report from time to time:

Five to be the Quorum.—[Mr. Oakshott.]