HC Deb 26 November 1958 vol 596 c353
18. Mr. Wall

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what representations he has received from the Icelandic Government about alleged poaching inside the three-mile limit by the British trawler "Hackness".

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

Her Majesty's Ambassador at Reykjavik was handed a Note of protest by the Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs on 14th November. This did not allege that the "Hackness" was poaching, but only that she was sailing through Icelandic territorial waters with her gear not stowed in accordance with Icelandic regulations.

A reply is under consideration.

Mr. Wall

Can my right hon. Friend say whether British vessels have been told not to fish within the legal limits of territorial waters? Can he say whether there was any justification in this case for the firing of live shot alleged to have been carried out by an Icelandic gunboat?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

It is quite correct that our ships have instructions not to fish inside Icelandic territorial waters. I prefer not to comment on the details of what happened, because, as often happens in these matters, the cases put forward by the two sides do not entirely square one with the other.

Mr. G. R. Howard

Am I right in saying that under the last agreement with the Icelandic Government it was decided that gear could remain on deck if a vessel were running for shelter?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

That way well be so.

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