HC Deb 25 November 1958 vol 596 cc214-5
42. Mr. Lewis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer on what date he recently appointed the British Economic Minister in Washington; on what date this Minister takes office; and whether he will give the name and qualifications of the person appointed.

Mr. Amory

As announced on 27th October. Lord Cromer will take up this office and that of United Kingdom Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in January, 1959. Lord Cromer is at present Managing Director of Baring Bros and Co., Ltd., merchant bankers.

Mr. Lewis

I thank the Chancellor for that reply, but does not he think it is rather unfair for the noble Lord to continue in private business right up until January—doing business with a firm which, in turn, does business and has financial deals with America, when the noble Lord will take over the job of Economic Minister in America? Should not the noble Lord cease his activities here, or at least wait until he takes up his appointment?

Mr. Amory

No—and I am certain that Lord Cromer's day-to-day duties will not conflict in any way with the duties that he will perform when he takes up his appointment as Economic Minister. Lord Cromer is not being paid until he takes up his appointment.

Sir A. V. Harvey

Is it not unfortunate that a brilliant man, who sacrificed two years of his career in his early forties to help his country, should be attacked in this way by the hon. Member opposite?

Mr. Lewis

On a point of order. You will recollect, Mr. Speaker, that in my supplementary question I made no attack upon any individual. Am I not in order in asking the Chancellor whether he thinks it would be better if a certain procedure were adopted? Is that an attack upon an individual?

Mr. Speaker

No question of order arises from that.

Mr. Amory

In reply to my hon. Friend, I take this opportunity of saying that I think that Lord Cromer is particularly well qualified for the duties that he is being asked to perform.