HC Deb 19 November 1958 vol 595 cc1127-8
14. Mr. Hornby

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what proposals were made by Her Majesty's Government at the recent meeting of the United Nations General Assembly for the organisation of a World Refugee Year.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Ian Harvey)

The United Kingdom Delegate explained the purposes of a World Refugee Year as envisaged in the United Kingdom and invited the General Assembly to support a resolution urging all countries to cooperate in promoting one. This resolution, the text of which I will, with permision, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT, was adopted by a large majority. Her Majesty's Government propose to support the Year in the United Kingdom, subject to Parliamentary approval, by a donation of £100,000.

Mr. Hornby

In thanking my right hon. and learned Friend for the initiative he has taken in this matter, may I ask him to regard this inauguration of the World Refugee Year as an opportunity to raise further funds on an international scale to tackle this very difficult problem on a much wider scale than has been possible hitherto?

Mr. Randall

Is the Joint Under-Secretary of State aware that on both sides of the House there is appreciation of the initiative which the Government took at the United Nations—in response, by the way, to an all-party back bench appeal—for the World Refugee Year? Is the Minister further aware that if we are to maintain the position which we have now established in the world and the lead that we have given, the financial contribution should be commensurate with that lead? Will he see to it that we match £ for£all moneys subscribed by voluntary agencies in this country?

Mr. Harvey

We shall certainly be as generous as we can be, but we must remember that we are not lacking in generosity in the contributions we are already making in other directions.

Following is the text of the Resolution, adopted 56–8–9 by the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, on 6th November, 1958:

The General Assembly,

Having considered the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees together with the annexed resolution adopted by the U.N.R.E.F. Executive Committee (A/3828 /Rev.1 /Add.1),

Convinced of the need to make a further world-wide effort to help resolve the world refugee problem,

Having considered the proposal for a World Refugee Year from June, 1959,

Noting that this proposal has two aims. namely: