HC Deb 06 November 1958 vol 594 cc1097-8
34. Mr. Oram

asked the President of the Board of Trade what action he proposes to take with respect to the Report of the Monopolies Commission on imported timber.

Sir D. Eccles

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade is meeting the Timber Trade Federation in the near future to hear representations about the Commission's findings. In the meantime I cannot make a statement.

Mr. Oram

Is not it the case that the original reference of this subject was as long ago as 1951, and was not it pretty clear quite early that the traders in imported timber intended to resist putting their house in order voluntarily? Therefore, is not it high time that an order was made by the President of the Board of Trade?

Sir D. Eccles

There are certain difficult aspects of this question, and I have asked the Parliamentary Secretary to discuss them fully with the timber trade. If it had not been for the change in the Parliamentary Secretaryship, I think we should have been able to have given an answer now.