HC Deb 03 November 1958 vol 594 cc605-6
49. Mr. Blenkinsop

asked the Minister of Health what are the latest available figures for England and Wales and for Scotland for the recruitment of nurses, showing mental nursing separately from general nursing; and what is the average rate of loss of general and of mental nurses in training.

Mr. Walker-Smith

As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Blenkinsop

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman say whether the level of loss of nurses, particularly in mental nursing, has increased or not in general figures during this last year or so?

Mr. Walker-Smith

If the hon. Gentleman will look at the answer in the OFFICIAL REPORT, he will see that a further investigation is now in progress with regard to this particular point, and I shall be happy to communicate the effect of it to him when the report is in my possession.

Following are the figures:

Mental and Mental Deficiency Hospitals
At 31st March, 1957 At 31st March, 1958 Increase or decrease
Trained nurses whole-time 14,519 14,315 -204
Part-time 2,215 2,184 -31
Student nurses 5,641, 6,210 +569
Other nursing staff Whole-time 8,575 8,900 +325
Part-time 7,697 7,980 +283
Whole-time 28,735 29,425 +690
part-time 9,912 10,164 +252
Other Hospitals
Trained nurses Whole-time 36,859 36,822 -37
Part-time 9,988 10,643 +655
Student nurses 46,543 47,107 +564
Other nursing staff Whole-time 27 062 27,550 +488
Part-time 16,141 17,917 +1,776
Whole-time 110,464 111,479 +1,015
Part-time 26,129 28,560 +2,431
Mental and Mental Deficiency Hospitals
At 31st March, 1957 At 31st March, 1958 Increase or decrease
Trained nurses Whole-time 2,518 2,477 -41
Part-time 254 256 +2
Student nurses 1,082 1,140 +58
Other nursing staff Whole-time 1,519 1,578 +59
Part-time 697 723 +26
Whole-time 5,119 5,195 +76
Part-time 951 979 +28
Other Hospitals
Trained nurses Whole-time 4,569 4,583 +14
Part-time 1,258 1,301 +43
Student nurses 6,150 6,209 +59
Other nursing staff Whole-time 3,392 3,573 +181
Part-time 2,643 2,843 +200
Whole-time 14,111 14,365 +254
Part-time 3,901 4,144 +243

The latest available figures of loss during training were compiled in 1953 and showed a loss during general nurse training of 32.3 per cent. for women and 38.2 per cent, for men; and for mental and mental deficiency nurse training, 65.0 per cent. for women and 51.4 per cent. for men. A further investigation is in progress.

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