HC Deb 03 November 1958 vol 594 cc607-8
51. Mr. P. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has yet received requests for a withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

In September, Her Majesty's Government were informed by the Iraq Government that the services of the Army and Royal Air Force technical personnel who had been lent to Iraq under the Special Agreement were no longer required, except for one officer and four non-commissioned officers whom they wished to retain. Those not required, some sixty in number, have now left Iraq. No request has been received from the Iraq Government for the withdrawal of other British personnel in Iraq. Her Majesty's Government have, however, in agreement with the Iraqi authorities withdrawn certain minor units and personnel.

Mr. Williams

Can my right hon. and learned Friend tell the House what is the position about Habbaniya and whether we still have overflying rights for trooping aircraft on troop movements?

Mr. Lloyd

I gather that my hon. Friend's question was specifically directed to whether we have received requests for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. It is true to say that those remaining are engaged on maintaining staging facilities and communications.