HC Deb 20 May 1958 vol 588 cc1092-3
30. Mr. E. Fletcher

asked the Minister of Works what steps he has taken to prevent the threatened destruction of an important section of the Roman Wall of London.

The Minister of Works (Mr. Hugh Molson)

I assume that the hon. Member is referring to a section of the London Wall between Cripplegate and Falcon Square. Three bastions consisting largely of Roman work are scheduled under the Ancient Monuments Acts and notice is accordingly required of any intention to carry out works affecting them.

Adjoining the southernmost of these bastions and to the south of it a short stretch of wall was also scheduled. Although there may be Roman remains below ground, this consisted mainly of the upper parts of the mediæval city wall; the lower parts had been cut away and modern brickwork substituted. This piece of wall and its junction with bastion 14 were recently demolished inadvertently in connection with the construction of Route 11 and there was minor damage to the bastion itself. My inquiries into the circumstances of this incident are not yet complete.

Mr. Fletcher

I appreciate that as soon as this regrettable incident came to the notice of the Minister and the City engineer, steps were taken to prevent further damage. Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind the constant danger of destruction? Will he also bear in mind that the real solution is to proceed immediately with the plan, already agreed in principle, for the creation of a sunken garden to bring the wall down to the level of the inner ditch?

Mr. Molson

I am examining means of preventing an incident of this kind from occurring again. The City of London has been most co-operative in this matter and regrets what has happened as much as I do. I will consider further what the hon. Gentleman has said.