HC Deb 15 May 1958 vol 588 cc671-2
Mr. J. N. Browne

I beg to move, in page 3, line 18, to leave out "change" and to insert "increase".

This Amendment is, as agreed in Committee, because "change" can only mean "increase".

Mr. Rankin

Once again I should like to congratulate the Government, as I have done on one or two occasions, on following the excellent lead set by the Opposition. This, again, is an Amendment which we moved in Committee. The Government at that time refused to accept it, but evidently even with this Government there are periods when they have second thoughts. [An HON. MEMBER: "Or second sight?"] I wish they had that, but if so, they do not reveal it. During the short recess between termination of the Committee proceedings upstairs and continuation of proceedings here, they have thought about this matter and agreed to accept the Amendment we pressed on them on that occasion. Once again I congratulate them, but I regret that they do not follow our example more often.

Amendment agreed to.