HC Deb 07 May 1958 vol 587 cc1328-9

9.0 p.m.

Mr. H. Brooke

I beg to move, in page 15, line 3, at the end to insert: (11) Regulations under this section shall not have effect until approved by a resolution of the Commons House of Parliament. This Amendment is linked with the Amendment to Clause 16, page 15, line 6, and also with the Amendment to the First Schedule, page 46, line 4.

I apologise for bringing before the House starred Amendments, but I think that the House will forgive me, because these three Amendments fulfil a pledge that I gave to the Committee yesterday. Their combined effect will be to make regulations made under Clause 15—that is, the regulations which relate to transitional provisions from 1961 onwards—subject to affirmative Resolution. When I suggested in our discussions in Committee yesterday that we should make this change it seemed to be generally welcomed, and I have been able to put down the Amendments overnight.

Mr. Page

I rise only to thank my right hon. Friend on behalf of my right hon. and hon. Friends who yesterday took part in what I have heard described as the seaside frolic. We are indeed grateful to him for meeting us to this extent.

Mr. Sparks

May I ask the hon. Member for Crosby (Mr. Page) why his hon. Friends are not here to speak for themselves?

Amendment agreed to.