HC Deb 05 May 1958 vol 587 c834
19. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Minister of Health what steps he intends to take to intensify the publicity campaign showing the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, in view of the recent report of the United Nations World Health Organisation which shows an increase in recent years in the number of deaths from this disease.

Mr. R. Thompson

My right hon. and learned Friend will be obtaining further information on the campaigns which local health authorities have been undertaking during the 12-month period following the issue of the circular on this subject last June. He cannot decide what further action may be necessary before studying the results.

Mr. Hamilton

Has the Minister any reason for being satisfied with the impact of the Government's campaign on this matter? Is he aware that there is considerable feeling in the country that the impact has been nil, in view of the alarming figures in the Report, which show that in Western Europe the increase in the number of deaths from lung cancer in the last eight years has been greater than deaths resulting from any other disease? Will the Minister step up the campaign regardless of the vested tobacco interests?

Mr. Thompson

On the question of impact, we must assess the local authorities' views on the effect of their campaign; and any decision to step it up or otherwise would have to be based on that.