HC Deb 25 March 1958 vol 585 cc213-4
24. Mr. J. T. Price

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what action he proposes to take to ensure that the North-Western Regional Board for Industry shall be enabled to function, in view of the declared intention of the workers' side to boycott the Council following his appointment of a new chairman who is unacceptable to the workers' side.

Mr. Amory

The customary procedure was followed in the recent appointment of a new chairman of the North-Western Regional Board for Industry, and I understand that he is personally acceptable to both sides. I attach great importance to the successful functioning of these Boards and very much regret the trouble which has arisen. I hope that discussions which are now taking place with the Trades Union Congress about the procedure to be followed in making future appointments will lead to a solution acceptable to all parties concerned.

Mr. Price

Will the Chancellor please understand that the boycott of this joint Board by the workers' side is not inspired by any kind of personal hostility towards the chairman appointed? Is it not rather the result of a feeling that this is a departure from the basic principles of joint consultation laid down by Sir Stafford Cripps when these Boards were set up under his Ministry and a feeling that the whole arrangement is now falling apart? Furthermore, is not it to be deplored that, in a situation where we have rising unemployment and other related industrial problems, confidence in this Board is now being shaken? Will the Chancellor do something to restore confidence?

Mr. Amory

My difficulty is that I cannot understand why confidence in this Board should be shaken. As far as I am aware, the procedure followed on this occasion was precisely similar, and we now have exactly the same number of trade union chairmen of Regional Boards as we had when Sir Stafford Cripps resuscitated this scheme in 1945.