HC Deb 19 March 1958 vol 584 cc1258-9
41. Sir I. Fraser

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if the Lancashire County Council has yet submitted to him, for his confirmation or otherwise, an order prohibiting the use of the Broughton—Torver road or any other relevant stretches of road by certain public service vehicles; whether they have asked him to institute a public inquiry; and what are his proposals in this matter.

Mr. Nugent

The Lancashire County Council have asked my right hon. Friend to confirm an order prohibiting the use of this road by certain classes of vehicles, including buses. We have arranged for an inquiry to be held at Ulverston on 25th March, this year, into the county council's proposal and into the associated application to run a bus service down this road.

Sir I. Fraser

May I ask my hon. Friend to explain to his Minister that there is a good deal more in this than meets the eye, and suggest that he had better have a very good lock at it?

Mr. Nugent

We shall consider the report of the inquiry very carefully.