HC Deb 13 March 1958 vol 584 cc590-1
16. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will make a statement on the proposed increase in the price of sugar.

Mr. John Hare

Since last July the world market price of sugar has been below the prices guaranteed to Commonwealth sugar producers under the Commonwealth Sugar Agreement and to home producer's of beet sugar. In consequence it has become necessary to terminate the distribution payment by which the Sugar Board has passed on the profits made when the world price was high, and to introduce a surcharge to meet subsequent losses under the guarantees to home and Commonwealth producers. This has been done by Orders made in accordance with the Sugar Act, 1956.

Mr. Jeger

Would the right hon. Gentleman like to state by how much the price of sugar to the housewife will be going up?

Mr. Hare

I gather that this matter is to be the subject of debate tonight and I am in some difficulty about answering the hon. Member.

Mr. Jeger

Does that mean that the right hon. Gentleman is sheltering behind the fact that there are on the Order Paper references to Orders which are to be discussed tonight and is refusing to give us information at this moment, information which may be useful to us in the debate later today; or will he promise that in his speech later he will answer the question?

Mr. Hare

I have no intention of treating the House with discourtesy. I just thought that I was in some difficulty. The maximum amount which can be proposed is 1¾d.

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