HC Deb 04 March 1958 vol 583 cc944-5
10. Mr. E. Fletcher

asked the Minister of Works if, in conjunction with the City Corporation, he will now arrange for the excavation and preservation, in a suitable sunken garden, of the exterior face of the Roman Wall of London between Falcon Street and Cripplegate.

Mr. Molson

I understand that, since this section of the wall was revealed by bombing in 1944, it has always been the intention of the City Corporation to consolidate and preserve it, with an open space on both sides, so that the remains can be seen by the public. The City Corporation is the owner and the responsible authority, although the preservation work, which entails excavation, will be done with the advice of my Ancient Monuments Branch. The precise layout and timing are matters for the City Corporation, but there will be full consultation with my Department.

Mr. Fletcher

I am much obliged to the Minister for that Answer. Will he bear in mind the importance of something being done reasonably soon about this matter? Will he do anything he can to assist the City Corporation before it is too late?

Mr. Molson

We shall certainly do anything we can to assist. I have inquired of the City Corporation, and it says that it cannot yet give a date for starting.

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