HC Deb 03 March 1958 vol 583 cc824-5
11. Sir K. Joseph

asked the Minister of Health the number of doctors practising in under-doctored areas; and the number of patients in these areas in 1952 and 1957.

Mr. Walker-Smith

There were 3,484 doctors practising in under-doctored areas in July, 1956, the latest date for which figures are available. The approximate number of patients in such areas decreased from 21½ million in 1952 to 9½ million in 1956.

Dr. Summerskill

How often are these under-doctored areas reviewed?

Mr. Walker-Smith

The under-doctored areas are the areas designated as such by the Medical Practices Committee. They are the areas to which additional doctors can be admitted without question. As far as I know, there is what could be described as a continuous process of review by the Medical Practices Committee.