HC Deb 25 June 1958 vol 590 cc395-7
6. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Defence the total estimated cost of developing the Blue Streak hydrogen bomb rocket and of building launching sites for it; how many sites it is planned to build in Great Britain; and if he will consider halting the projects in order to lessen international tension and the danger of making this country more vulnerable.

Mr. Sandys

No, Sir.

Mr. Allaun

Can the Minister state that the reported cost of £150 million is approximately correct? If one of these missiles is launched by accident or by design, is it not obvious that there will be a military retaliation in which our people will be wiped out? What kind of defence is this? Has the right hon. Gentleman seen the maps prepared by Lord Simon of Wythenshawe, showing the devastation which would be caused if a bomb were dropped on Manchester? Will he prepare similar maps for other parts of the country to show the folly of this policy?

Mr. Sandys

Of course, if a thermonuclear bomb is dropped anywhere it will devastate a large area, but that is not the issue here. I am satisfied—and I think that the great majority of people are satisfied—that the addition of this weapon will increase the effectiveness of the Western deterrent. So far as the question of whether the possession of these weapons will increase the vulnerability or the likelihood of this country being attacked in retaliation, I would point out to the hon. Gentleman and to his colleagues on the benches opposite that Great Britain has been a first-class military target for any enemies of this country ever since the Labour Government, very rightly, decided to manufacture British atomic bombs and to give the United States bomber force facilities and bases in this country.

Mr. de Freitas

Cannot this missile, apart from its military use, be used for scientific purposes, and can the right hon. Gentleman tell us whether it will be used for a satellite or anything like that?

Mr. Sandys

We are talking now about the Blue Streak rocket. I have no doubt that all these things will have scientific applications, and there is no doubt that the progress of peaceful science has derived a great deal from the efforts put into military developments of all kinds for many years.

7. Mr. de Freitas

asked the Minister of Defence what are his plans for manufacturing in this country atomic warheads for the British Blue Streak missile and the United States Thor missile.

Mr. Sandys

The nuclear warheads for the British ballistic rocket will be made in Britain. We are not planning to make British warheads for the American Thor weapon.

Mr. de Freitas

Can the Minister say whether, in view of the Paymaster-General's statement yesterday about military plutonium, the increased cost to the atomic energy stations will be borne on the Defence Estimates so that we may get a true picture of the cost of our own atomic weapons?

Mr. Sandys

There is a separate Question on that subject on the Order Paper.