HC Deb 24 June 1958 vol 590 c215
4. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Works whether his Inspector of Ancient Monuments in Scotland has yet completed his investigation into the nature, extent and contents of the underground chamber recently discovered at South Unigarth on the mainland of Orkney; and if he will make to the House a comprehensive statement on the subject.

The Minister of Works (Mr. Hugh Molson)

Yes, Sir. The structure consists of a low entrance passage and a chamber, roofed with large stone slabs, which measures approximately 12 ft. by 10 ft. and is 3 ft. high. The whole structure, which is substantially intact, has throughout its history been underground, but was probably associated with a surface dwelling which has disappeared. The only article discovered was a hammerstone of uncertain date.

Mr. Hughes

While thanking the Minister for that detailed reply, may I ask him whether he realises that this and similar discoveries are of great interest to archaeologists and historians? Will he, therefore, take steps to issue a White Paper relating this and kindred discoveries to each other?

Mr. Molson

I am sure that the archaeologists concerned will have other ways of obtaining information of this without a White Paper.

Sir J. Duncan

Is this underground chamber big enough to hold the whole of Lady Violet Bonham-Carter's party?