HC Deb 24 June 1958 vol 590 cc220-1
16. Mr. Kershaw

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works, as representing the Lord President of the Council, by what outside bodies the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is advised on grants for promising researches in science and technology in universities, colleges and other institutions.

Mr. H. Nicholls

The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is advised on grants for special researches by the Research Grants Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, though the Committee may seek the views of outside referees on any application. The Chairman of this Committee is Professor P. M. S. Blackett, F.R.S., and its members are scientists of distinction in relevant research subjects. The Chairman of the University Grants Committee and the Physical and Biological Secretaries of the Royal Society sit as assessors.

Mr. Kershaw

Is my hon. Friend able to say how the present expenditure on nuclear physics research and other research compares with expenditure in previous years?

Mr. Nicholls

There has been a steady growth on both. The grant this year for nuclear physics was £330,000, Last year, it was £192,000. Apart from nuclear physics, it has grown from £80,000, two years ago, to £155,000 last year and £320,000 this year.